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Monday, December 19, 2011

Duggar Family: Jubilee Shalom Pregnancy and Miscarriage a Fake?

The Duggar family has been in the news a lot over the past week and, in an age of fake marriages à la Kim Kardashian, some are questioning whether Michelle was ever pregnant with a 20th child in the first place. Comments in blog posts and even on People Magazine's latest article are claiming that Michelle and Jim Bob lied about the pregnancy or intentionally got pregnant for sweeps week. The comments are even vicious enough to say the couple intentionally got pregnant and purposefully induced a miscarriage.

Jim Bob & Michelle DuggarHow anyone could make comments like this when the family is obviously grieving is insane. There were pictures of the baby broadcast across the internet and people outside the family obviously saw little Jubilee including the photographer from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. The comments being broadcast across the web are from the mouths and minds of very shallow, small-minded people. If this was any other television star the world would be rallying around her. Instead it is Michelle Duggar. Wait, she has a name, she is a person, she has a family....maybe it is time for the world to extend her the same courtesy they would any other television personality.

The Duggar family hate that has been brought to the surface by Michelle's 20th pregnancy and ultimately the miscarriage of little Jubilee is despicable. The world we live in could use more caring and kind people like the Duggars. It is time for others to remember what Thumper's mother told him. Time to keep your mouth shut if you have nothing nice to say.


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